Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Filter |
NodeReportFilter |
None. |
OmitTotals |
If the status report is filtered only filtered totals will be included in email. |
boolean |
None. |
CreateLinks |
Create links for items in status report mails |
boolean |
None. |
LinkToSubscription |
A link to the subscription will be added at the bottom of the mail |
boolean |
None. |
OnlySendUpdates |
Send partial reports containing only the newly reported data. This is opposed to sending the full reports each time. This is due to the nature of reporting for servers in different time zones. Status reports may be updated several times a day. |
boolean |
None. |
OnlySendOnError |
Only send reports that contain errors. |
boolean |
None. |
AlwaysSendOverview |
Send the report with the totals even though no data-sources are included because of filtering |
boolean |
None. |
DeliveryTime |
A time of delivery can be set. This will postpone the sending of the report until the desired time. |
time interval |
None. |
SendAlthoughDelivered |
If there is a delivery time, report will be sent even if it has been sent manually in advance |
boolean |
None. |
Frequency |
How often the report should be sent Types: On demand (undefined), Daily, Weekly, Monthly |
Frequency |
None. |
FrequencyDetails |
A list of days if FrequencyType is weekly or monthly if frequency is weekly valid options are 0 to 6 where 0 represents sunday and 6 represents saturday if frequency is monthly valid options are 1 to 31 where values n represents last day of the month if no more than n days are in the month |
Collection of integer |
None. |
InlineOverview |
Inline the status report overview in the email itself. |
boolean |
None. |
InlineServerInfo |
Inline information about which servers that backup nodes in this report are related to. |
boolean |
None. |
InlineNodes |
Inline the backup node reports in the email itself. |
boolean |
None. |
InlineWarnings |
Inline the warnings of the backup node reports |
boolean |
None. |
InlineEvents |
Inline the events of the backup node reports |
boolean |
None. |
InlineActivities |
Inline the activities of the backup node reports |
boolean |
None. |
InlineActivityLogs |
Inline the activitylogs of the backup node reports |
boolean |
None. |
InlineVmBackups |
Inline the activitylogs of the backup node reports |
boolean |
None. |
AttachOverview |
Include status report summary overview in the selected attachment formats. |
boolean |
None. |
AttachNodes |
Include backup node reports in the selected attachment formats. |
boolean |
None. |
AttachWarnings |
Include backup node warnings on in the selected attachment formats. |
boolean |
None. |
AttachEvents |
Include scheduled events in the selected attachment formats. |
boolean |
None. |
AttachActivities |
Include unscheduled activities in the selected attachment formats. |
boolean |
None. |
AttachActivityLogs |
Include activity logs in the selected attachment formats. |
boolean |
None. |
AttachVmBackups |
Include activity logs in the selected attachment formats. |
boolean |
None. |
LimitToErrorCausingEvents |
Limit the list of scheduled events to only include events causing the backup node to have status "Error" |
boolean |
None. |
LimitToErrorCausingWarnings |
Limit the list of warnings to only include warnings causing the backup node to have status "Error" |
boolean |
None. |
EmailCsv |
Attach a CSV-file with the requested data. |
boolean |
None. |
EmailJson |
Attach a JSON-file with the requested data. |
boolean |
None. |
EmailPdf |
Attach a PDF-file with the requested data. |
boolean |
None. |
EmailExcel |
Attach an Excel-file with the requested data. |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByBusinessUnit |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByFileserverWorkstations |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByFileserverWorkstationsReplicationState |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByApplicationServers |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByApplicationServersReplicationState |
boolean |
None. |
GroupBySpForVe |
boolean |
None. |
GroupBySpForVeReplicationState |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByOperatingSystem |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByVmFilespaces |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByHypervisors |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByVms |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByMicrosoft365Tenants |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByMicrosoft365Accounts |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByRubrikHypervisors |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByRubrikVms |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByRubrikNutanixClusters |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByRubrikNutanixVms |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByRubrikWindowsHosts |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByRubrikLinuxHosts |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByRubrikOtherHosts |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByRubrikMsSqlDatabases |
boolean |
None. |
GroupByRubrikOracleDatabases |
boolean |
None. |
DataViewConfigs |
Collection of DataViewConfig |
None. |
Inherited |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this |
boolean |
None. |
DecimalMark |
string |
None. |
DateFormat |
string |
None. |
TimeFormat |
string |
None. |
DateTimeFormat |
string |
None. |
CsvDelimiter |
string |
None. |
Id |
A unique ID for the object. |
integer |
Read-only. |
CreatedDate |
Time and date the object was created. |
date |
Read-only. |
ArchivedDate |
Time and date the object was or is going to be archived. Unarchived objects have no value in ArchivedDate |
date |
Read-only. |